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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The American Education System Must Be Restored

Each new generation must be socialized, civilized, encultured, and educated by their families, schools, government, social and religious organizations, etc...

If these institutions fail to properly enculturate and impart to them the lessons and values that make up the very fabric of a right society, like all uncultured barbarians; they will revolt against it eventually tearing down their families and our society causing profound cultural, sociological, economic, and political damage.

Such an event partially occurred with the baby boomer generation, a generation which overwhelmed the institutions responsible for socializing and enculturating them. With some justification, an illegitimate barbarian’s revolt was launched by hardened elements in that generation whom eventually became tenured barbarians gaining control of the educational system in this country which they greatly compromised.

Positive, real, structural and long lasting change will never be fully realized in this country until the barbarian’s grip on our education system is removed allowing the nation's children to be properly socialized, civilized, encultured, and educated in the American way as the generations that came before the barbarians revolt once were.

The current politically correct atheistic Marxist inspired modern liberal indoctrination agenda forced as a state sponsored holistic substitute ideology upon our country’s children incrementally pushes the nation toward Marxism, authoritarianism, massive illegal immigration, extreme immorality, widespread addiction, homosexual and feminist indoctrination and bullying, politically correct censorship, a desire to restrict the bill of rights, anti-religious prejudice and chauvinism, a myopic approach to science, anti-American discrimination against traditional American culture and Western civilization, a postmodern pluralism, a neo-revisionist rewriting of history, the celebration of unfair free trade agreements and economic models not in the best interest of this country or it’s citizen workers, forced abortion and birth control on religious organizations, a desire to force doctors and medical personnel to perform suicides, etc… the list of damaging ideologies they are disseminating is a long one.

Spurred to dismantle and redefine our core American culture, values, beliefs, traditions, systems, and institutions they have done damage to the heart, mind, and cohesiveness of lives, families, and society.

Rather than properly socialize and enculturate the next generation of Americans as generations before them have done, they spend a great deal of time, energy, and taxpayer money simply seeking to turn them into disparate, immoral, godless, modern liberal Marxist barbarians. It is no surprise that from their ranks we see the troublemakers of today arise attacking and attempting to infect, or failing that destroy, every traditional institution and organization in America.

Let it be explicitly known that this article is in NO WAY aimed at the Occupy Wall Street or any other legitimate citizen movement to reform our economy. That's not what this article is about. It is about barbarian tentacles strangling our culture, society, families, and education into rot.

The American public never permitted the education system to be used in this manner before the modern barbarian revolt. As Gary DeMar points out in his article ‘Marxism’:

"…Marxism, "can do nothing for the university; the real question is what can Marxists do to and in the university … For the natural and social scientist the answer is very clear. The university is a factory that makes weapons – ideological weapons – for class struggle, for class warfare, and trains people in their use. It has no other leading and important function in the social organization." - Harvard biologist Richard Lewontin.

Marxist professors and concepts have infiltrated virtually every area of study. Marx viewed all religions; including Christianity, as illusions… atheism is a basic premise of the Marxist system of thought… in short, is a materialistic worldview; the consistent Marxist believes that the material world is the ultimate reality, that there is no God beyond the forces of history and nature.”

It is already apparent that leveraging a country’s education system to indoctrinate generations with such an ideology has already had traumatic consequences for society.

As Steve LaTulippe points out in ‘American Education R.I.P.’:

“Similarly, our public school system is based on the fundamentals of socialism. The schools are physically owned by the government, the employees are on the government payroll, and the system is financed by confiscation of money from the taxpayers… failure of the system is not due to poor teaching methods, inadequate financing, or low teacher-to-student ratios. The failure is systemic.

Since the seizure of our academic infrastructure by 60’s Leftists several decades ago, the system’s core agenda has veered into the wilds of multiculturalism, ethical relativism, and radical egalitarian socialism. It is no exaggeration to say that the fundamental mission statement of the current system is to defame and deconstruct Western culture and history. The existence of Western civilization is blamed for most of the evils of history, and the value of its eradication is implicit in the very foundation of the system. And despite the system’s miserable failure at teaching basic academic skills, it is having a raging success at this corrupt new political undertaking.

Stripped of their cultural values and traditions by an openly propagandist educational system (and a debauched popular culture), too many young people are adrift in the world, without any coherent set of cultural standards, religious values, and social support networks (the real kind…not the government variety). The net effect is to create a cohort of youths who watch degenerate TV, listen to depraved music, and are utterly ignorant of even the most rudimentary facets of the cultural history of their civilization.”

Steve is right. Consider the results such education has had on the public education in California, for example. Despite spending enormous sums of hard working taxpayer dollars, California went from number one in the nation to almost the very bottom where they remain today.

In our father’s day, high school students in California gained measurable aptitudes in higher math, engineering, science, and pre-college English that led to real competency as well as learning vocational trades like mechanics, electrical, and automotive courses preparing them for both the work force and college. And they did it for less than we spend today, in real dollars, with but a fraction of the skyrocketing dropout rate we see there today.

Students were properly encultured in the American way of life and instilled with meaningful Judeo-Christian values that led to an internalized sense of ultimate morality, a real sense of both personal and corporate societal responsibility, a solid work ethic, an understanding they were part of something (homogeneous American culture), while being empowered with a high level of education in subjects that mattered and challenged to do their part in making this country something they could be proud of. That's what we used to do and it worked.

Today, it's all but gone. California public educators simply brainwash them with a sanitized modern liberal curriculum, that filters out a great deal of history older generations received, and churn out armies of godless immoral barbarians.

There is a proverb that goes like this, "The little foxes ruin the vines." Tragically, the country allowed a stratified society to develop in the post Civil War Reconstruction era. The barbarian rebels latched onto it as the justification to wreak havoc upon our entire culture. Rather than fixing the stratified society, they attacked America.

As Bruce Short in his article review of ‘Public Education Against America’ by Marlin Maddoux points out:

“Today, Cultural Marxism is virtually the norm on most campuses. One of the telling examples of this provided in "Public Education Against America" is an account of the "Freshman Orientation" endured by a young college student, Abby Nye. According to Miss Nye, "Freshman Orientation" was really "Freshman Indoctrination."

As she described it, the "orientation" was actually a process for "... holding the students hostage for three or four days as they [college officials] attempt to reprogram their brains on matters of moral relativism, tolerance, gay/lesbian/transgender rights, postmodernism, and New Age spirituality.

Most parents now have at least some inkling that most of our colleges and colleges and universities are largely in the grip of the political and cultural Left and awash in cultural Marxism. Public-school curricula, for example, now tend to ignore essential American history in order to lavish attention on minor historical figures that allegedly boost the "self-esteem" of designated victim groups and persuade children that the historic American culture and Christianity are illegitimate.

Throughout the 19th century and into the 1940s, K-12 government schools generally taught children moral principles that, if not always explicitly Christian, were at least compatible with Christianity. Today, discussions of morality have largely become cliche-ridden gibberish about "not being judgmental," "not moralizing," "not imposing your value judgments on others," and "valuing differences." What this represents, tragically, is a massive movement in American society away from the conception of transcendent moral values, toward a moral relativism rooted in the conviction that we are nothing more than matter without any ultimate purpose or accountability for what we do beyond this life. It is no wonder that immorality is nothing more than a subjective preference. The Mass murderer and the moral person have exactly the same ultimate end in this construct of "reality."

How is this happening? The critical first step is leading children to adopt moral relativism. Of course, there is no primary-school, middle-school, or high-school class called "Moral Relativism 101."

Nevertheless, this theme is woven into many different subjects, often by incorporating into various courses "non-directive moral education" curricula such as "values clarification" and "critical thinking" that implicitly teach there are no absolute moral values… children are turned loose without any moral guidance on critical, complex issues involving drugs, sex, war, and life and death to arrive at conclusions based upon their limited experience and knowledge and their feelings.

Despite claiming to be value-neutral, non-directive approaches to teaching moral reasoning actually indoctrinate children with the view that all moral values are purely subjective and that none are transcendent and universally applicable. The real purpose behind all of this is to separate children from the values they have learned in their families so that they will be "open" to new values consistent with some variant of cultural Marxism.

At a practical level, non-directive moral education turns moral instruction on its head. Efforts by parents, churches and others to teach children values, let alone the transcendent moral values at the heart of Christianity, are denounced by those trained in values clarification and other non-directive approaches as "moralizing" – the "mistake" of failing to recognize that all moral values are a matter of personal preference and that, therefore, moral values are always relative, changing and situational. Thus, children are taught that "moralizers" are just pushy, intolerant people who are trying to force their values on others.

From this perspective, then, American history, for example, is no more important than the history of, say, Albania. Certainly, it would be impermissible to say that the American Republic is in any sense better than Albania under its late, unlamented, Stalinist leader, Enver Hoxa.

Moreover, there is no legitimate basis for saying that learning about the American Revolution is more important than learning about techniques of Navajo rug making. As a result, most older adults would be surprised to find out how little children are learning about American history and Western culture. To the extent that American history and Western culture are being taught, they would also be surprised to discover how these subjects have become just another branch of "victim studies" in which children are taught implicitly or explicitly that the problems and failings of people and cultures everywhere are the fault of Christianity, capitalism, patriarchy, homophobia, racism and white heterosexual males.

The objective has been to induce collective historical amnesia by eliminating our collective historical memory. This, in turn, makes it possible to fill the historical void with a Gramscian historical narrative.

At its 2001 Las Vegas convention, the professional accrediting organization for schools, colleges, and departments of education in the United States known as the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) moved its agenda farther into the open. During a presentation just prior to the opening of the convention, NCATE's senior vice president, Donna Gollnick, told an audience of 1,000 education professionals from around the country that "diversity" is the most important standard by which NCATE will evaluate those who train teachers – not effectiveness in training teachers to teach phonics, math, or grammar.

And just what is "diversity"? According to NCATE's glossary for its "Professional Standards," "diversity" means "differences among groups of people and individuals based on ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, gender, exceptionalities, language, religion, sexual orientation, and geographical area." Why is this important? Because now NCATE wants to require that teachers demonstrate that are showing correct "dispositions" regarding diversity and that they are teaching "multicultural and global perspectives." Thus, NCATE's real project is imposing a mandatory ideology of cultural Marxism on those who would be part of the teaching profession, whether they want to teach in schools of education or in K-12 schools.”

Despite the damage already wrought, the barbarians are still very much hard at work using our public education system as an agency for their damaging ideological transmission. It’s not difficult to see why the country and the family are in disarray.

As Bill Wood in his testimony before the Ways and Means Committee regarding the results of Marxist class warfare on our society perceived:

"[Comparing the culture of the 50’s to that of 1998] Violent criminal offenses have exploded upward by 700%. Premarital sex among 18 year olds has jumped from 30% of the population to 70%. Tax rates for a family of four have skyrocketed 500%, consuming a fourth of their income. Divorce rates have quadrupled. Illegitimate births among black Americans has soared - from approximately 23% to more than 68%. Illegitimacy itself has jumped from a nationwide total of 5% to nearly 30% nationwide - a rise of 600%. Cases of sexually transmitted diseases have risen 150%. Teen age pregnancies are up by several thousand percent and teen suicides have risen by 200%. Between 1950 and 1979 - serious crime committed by children under 15 has risen by 11,000%..."

And we could certainly add more undesirable results to that list. California has integrated homosexual history into the K-12th classroom with the stated objective of presenting people who engage in homosexual acts as heroes to the children. But they are simultaneously censuring the morals of Christians, even from American history when so many historical American heroes and so much of our history is rich in the Christian tradition. And they are doing this over the objections of parents, using the power of the state, and forcing the parents to pay for it while displacing a great deal of the prior content intended to help them become financially successful after graduation.

Before the 1970's, the U.S. was the number one global leader for public education. Since then, U.S. students have failed to keep rank with the rest of the developed countries. Among 30 developed countries, the U.S. ranks 25th in math and 21st in science. The top 5% of our students, our very best, rank 23rd out of 29 developed countries according to KIPP independent educational studies.

The U.S. Department of Education National Center for Education Statistics (2012 Digest of Education Statistics - Table 191 and Chapter 2) reveal that school districts had total expenditures of approximately $610.1 billion in 2008–09. It has increased since then.

This is more than twice as much spending on public education in real dollars, per pupil, as when the U.S. was first in the world for public education at the height of the Cold War.

Of course the social contract is for all people. Everyone should be able to live life safely in this country without discrimination. But this is about promoting an hard-core immoral agenda which for more than a few will cause serious life issues and negative consequences when they should be educating them to be successful like they did before the 1970's.

The problem is apparent as is the solution: The barbarian public education and university archipelago should be dismantled and the American education system restored.

AGENDA: Grinding America Down

Waiting on Superman 2010: A film analyzing the failures of American public education

References and Further Reading:

View 'The Cartel (2009)' a critical look at public education spending:!watch/282115

National study shows cheating widespread often with the help of teachers:

La Tulippe, S. (2004). American Education R.I.P.

DeMar, G. (1989). Marxism.

Short, B. (2006). Review of ‘Public Education Against America’.

"Public Education Against America: The Hidden Agenda," by Marlin Maddoux, is published by Whitaker House: 877-793-9800; 1030 Hunt Valley Circle; New Kensington, PA 15068.

Statement by Bill Wood, Charlotte, North Carolina. FC-8 Hearing on Waste, Fraud, and Abuse July 17, 2003. TESTIMONY FOR THE [US] WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE.

More Kids In College But Most Don't Graduate by The Michael Medved Show:

Update: Student debt burdens are weighing on the economic fortunes of younger Americans, as households headed by young adults owing student debt lag far behind their peers in terms of wealth accumulation, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data.