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December 2, 2014 - China's economy displaces the U.S. economy as the largest economy in the world:
July 22, 2014 - The House Republican leadership on Tuesday blocked a bill to secure for American companies critical minerals used in the production of energy-efficient products, renewable energy systems, electronics and other technologies. The result is companies, and the U.S. Defense Department, continue to be forced to turn to China to make or obtain critical electronics components. China undermined most of the world’s other sources of these strategic minerals by such practices as underpricing, putting them out of business and now China controls 90% of the world supply:

July 10, 2014 - Astounding: U.S. Officials Negotiating to Speed China State Purchasing of U.S. Companies -

June 17, 2014 - President Obama announced that he intends to issue an executive order discriminating against religious organizations that adhere to normative morality. Genuine non-apostate Christian religious organizations which are true to classical Christian exegesis and orthodox Christian epistemology can no longer do business with the U.S. government. Only organizations that facilitate sexual immorality are now permitted to do so. This is textbook discrimination against normatively moral people and their religious organizations in which the U.S. government has begun to violate their human rights under natural law toward a free moral conscience and their Constitutional religious liberty toward morality which the founding fathers wanted protected as immorality is not equitable to or a suitable replacement for normative morality:

May 25, 2014 - Mayor of Torrance, CA explains how the state of California (e.g. via its governors and legislature) has created such a business unfriendly environment that major companies are pulling out and relocating to other areas:

May 15, 2015 - CIS report shows that there is no shortage of STEM workers in the U.S. but U.S. politicians seek to increase immigration using a non-existent STEM shortage as a reason anyways:

May 14, 2014 - Obama responds to grim jobs situation by bringing in more workers:

May 14, 2014 - Student debt burdens are weighing on the economic fortunes of younger Americans, as households headed by young adults owing student debt lag far behind their peers in terms of wealth accumulation, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data:

May 1, 2014 - In 2013, ICE freed 36,007 convicted criminal aliens from detention who were awaiting the outcome of deportation proceedings, according to a document obtained by the Center for Immigration Studies. This group included aliens convicted of hundreds of violent and serious crimes, including homicide, sexual assault, kidnapping, and aggravated assault. The list of crimes also includes more than 16,000 drunk or drugged driving convictions.

The vast majority of these releases from ICE custody were discretionary, not required by law (in fact, in some instances, apparently contrary to law), nor the result of local sanctuary policies. The document reveals that the 36,007 convicted criminal aliens freed from ICE custody in many instances had multiple convictions. Among them, the 36,007 had nearly 88,000 convictions:

May 1, 2014 - Illinois has a 15.6% U6 unemployment rate presently (first quarter of 2014) and Chicago's is through the roof. It's astronomical! So the Democrats that run Chicago decided it would be a good time to hire illegal aliens into government jobs so that U.S. citizens can't have them:

April 22, 2014 - The American middle class is no longer the wealthiest in the world:

April 14, 2014 - Americans for Tax Reform publish report showing that the Obama Administration has proposed 442 tax increases from 2010:

March 18, 2014 - The SAT test is being "dumbed down" to accommodate today's product of the failing liberal controlled public education system. This way they can pretend that everything's "OK" and keep the student loans flowing into institutions of higher learning despite student loan defaults at record highs.

January 15, 2014 - The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) released its 2014 report on campus speech codes today, finding that 59% of the 427 colleges and universities analyzed maintain policies that seriously infringe upon students’ speech rights:

January 14, 2014 - Verizon brought a lawsuit to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit against the FCC arguing that because it built its network, it therefore has the right to manage its costs and services as it pleases. The appeals court agreed with Verizon. The decision overturns key parts of the Federal Communications Commission's Net neutrality regulations, which barred Internet providers (ISPs) from restricting speeds or even blocking visits to different sites. ISPs are no longer required to treat all kinds of Web activity equally allowing for online access to be dramatically reshaped:,0,522106.story#axzz2qRFtFdRB

January 10, 2014 - The Brookings Institute asserts that there are now more poor residents living in suburbs than in major cities and that poverty is growing in the suburbs at twice the rate of major cities:

January 1, 2014 - Profits just hit another all-time high while simultaneously wages just hit another all-time low:

December 30, 2013 - The Congressional Research Service (CRS) released a report titled 'Bitcoin: Questions, Answers, and Analysis of Legal Issues':

December 20, 2013 -  David M. Walker, head of the General Accountability Office (GAO) of the United States government stated the nation is on the path to financial ruin unless the American public tells Washington to change its ways.

November 21, 2013 - The Democrats weakened minority rights scuttling more than two hundred years of precedent that balanced government power by limiting that of the executive branch while ensuring the minority had a voice. The Senate filibuster also provided a means of measuring the strength of that voice. It was there for a reason.

Now whatever the Democratic majority in the Senate wants, it can do with a simple majority. President Obama, of course, welcomed the change as it increases his own power over all Americans.

September 15, 2013 - Obama using the Syria conflict to hide failed economic jobs performance:

September 10, 2013 - Rutgers Work Trends Study shows that half of recent college graduates can't find a job of any kind. Of those that did find jobs, 43% of the jobs they found were very low paying and did not require a college degree. One third of all federal student loan borrowers have either defaulted on their debt, or are in deferment or forbearance.


August 1, 2013 - In 35 states, welfare benefits pay more than a minimum wage job, according to a new study by the Cato Institute.


July 30, 2013 - A new study by an American economist concludes that the U.S. federal debt is far larger than it is officially said to be. The study by James D. Hamilton of the University of California, San Diego, says the U.S. government’s off-balance-sheet liabilities are six times the size of the official debt or $70.1 trillion.


July 9, 2013 - President Obama just signed an executive order titled 'Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions' to take down all U.S. communications upon his request. That means you won't be able to contact your loved ones, call for help, check the news, nothing. Total federally enforced blackout. There will be no phones, no cell, no Internet/email/chat, etc... Buy a Ham radio and learn how to use it so if you have to get medical help when the government throws the off switch, you can access the amateur radio operators emergency groups which still exist to call in assistance.

July 4, 2013 - Christians are being murdered, beheaded, and driven out enmasse from homes they have lived in for thousands of years by Muslim Jihadists in the Middle East. The Obama administration supports the most radical Muslim elements (e.g. the Saudi funded elements) in the Middle East and spends U.S. tax money, in some cases, to give them the arms to do it. The mainstream liberal media that wholly supports the Obama Administration has refused to cover the slaughter.

July 1, 2013 - China's largest state owned bank, the ICBC, has grown so large so fast that they just recently replaced Bank of America as the world's largest bank. In the process, the ICBC supplanted ExxonMobile and is also now the largest public company in the world too as they are a limited company. China surges forward while the U.S. declines. Happy fourth America!

May 20, 2013 - Chicago-style politics now at the federal level. God help us all:

May 7, 2013 - The U.S. Pentagon publicly accuses China of cyber attacks on U.S military and business targets stating that stolen data is used to ramp up China's military and high tech industries. A Defense Department report stating this was submitted to Congress:

May 6, 2013 - The Heritage Foundation released a new study titled 'The Fiscal Cost of Unlawful Immigrants and Amnesty to the U.S. Taxpayer' by Robert Rector and Jason Richwine, PhD showing that an amnesty cost of $6.3 trillion is the lowest possible net cost to the federal government over the lifetimes of the amnestied illegal aliens. It will most likely be much higher:

April 17, 2013 - Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and the Democrats push to begin taxing all Americans for online purchases:

April 10, 2013 - Despite most Americans classifying themselves as Catholics or Evangelical Christians, the U.S. Army Reserve is conducting training presentations that classify Catholics and Evangelical Protestants as “extremist” religious groups alongside al Qaeda and the Ku Klux Klan.

April 9, 2013 - Half of the U.S. honey bees (e.g. domesticated honey bees of European lineage) will have died off by the end of this year.  The reason is most likely pesticides.  Food prices going up by Summer.

April 1, 2013 - BLS reports only 88,000 jobs were created in March 2013. CIS reports that most of those went to foreign born workers and were so low paying that many of those who were hired also qualify for social services of one form or another that costs more than they will pay in taxes. The U.S. labor participation rate fell to 63.3 percent (the lowest it's been since May 1979) and is the reason for the fall in the unemployment rate. The Federal Reserve is publishing that almost 90 million working-age Americans are currently unemployed and that number is predicted to increase, 9 million Americans are now on disability, and the more than $1.03 trillion a year in federal and state welfare (not including entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicare, veteran's programs, etc...) is expected to soar over the next decade leaving the nation deeply in debt. All rating agencies have the U.S. economic outlook as negative while many in the mainstream modern liberal media continue to falsely assert the opposite.

February 18, 2013 - The Congressional Budget Office on Tuesday quietly raised the 10-year cost of ObamaCare's insurance subsidies offered via the health law's exchanges by $233 billion. The CBO's new baseline estimate shows that ObamaCare subsidies offered through the insurance exchanges will total more than $1 trillion through 2022.

February 8, 2013 - ‎"All semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines would be banned, all guns would be registered and no ammunition could be bought without a special permit in California under a sweeping list of 10 bills rolled out Thursday by state Senate Democrats":

February 7, 2013 - "Gun deaths and injuries have dropped sharply in California, even as the number of guns sold in the state has risen, according to new state data":

February 1, 2013 - The Senate has a new H-1B visa expansion proposal to import up to 500,000 new immigrant workers into the U.S.. Senate’s H-1B visa proposal goes far beyond Microsoft’s:

January 31, 2013 - Ben Shapiro explains how Obama and the Democrats are engaged in a campaign of ad hominem argumentation and government collusion and bullying to achieve their ideological objectives rather than engaging in actual policy discussions toward finding the best logical solutions to solve serious real world problems with all parties:

January 30, 2013 -  Naturalized citizens are spying like never before on the U.S. for their countries of origin. The rate of conviction of naturalized U.S. citizens, spying on the U.S., for serious national security crimes including terrorism, espionage, and theft of sensitive information and technology have skyrocketed despite the U.S. hardly even making it a priority to root out spies anymore in the U.S. according to a new CIS report titled 'Upholding the Value of Our Citizenship: National Security Threats Should be Denaturalized':

January 29, 2013 - Can it be true?

1. Obama to Top Brass: Will you fire on American Citizens?

2. 'Everyone in US under virtual surveillance' - NSA whistleblower:

January 28, 2013 - The Fed and Wall Street combine to grow a new housing bubble:

January 25, 2013 - The nonpartisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) finds  finds that U.S. corporations report a huge share of their profits as officially earned in small, low-tax countries where they have very little investment and workforce while reporting a much smaller percentage of their profits in larger, industrial countries where they actually have massive investments and workforces:

Note: In other words, the total amount that U.S. corporations earned in foreign operations for 2008 (note: 2008 is the latest data) was $938 billion. This CRS report shows U.S. corporations are engaging in profit-shifting to reduce the amount in taxes they have to pay on that profit.

But to give this some perspective, consider that if the U.S. government simply told all U.S. businesses that they could not keep ANY profit earned overseas (e.g. the IRS simply confiscated 100% of all foreign earnings by U.S. businesses), it would not be enough to pay for the more than $1.03 trillion a year the U.S. government (both federal and state) now spends on 83 welfare programs (which do not include entitlement programs like SS or Medicare, nor veterans programs, nor ObamaCare, nor corporate welfare, etc...).

That's a lot of government welfare spending. But, add millions and millions of new people to those existing welfare programs, via giving illegal aliens U.S. citizenship so they are eligible for them, and recalculate welfare spending dramatically upwards.

January 22, 2013 - Obama begins transferring ownership of U.S. natural resources to China in response to Chinese pressure over the enormous debt the U.S. now owes China and as a condition for future lending:

January 17, 2013 - Harry Reid's Great Disappearing Act: Harry Reid engages in the worst sort of partisan politics by freezing the U.S. Senate from doing their job, ensuring they fail to produce a budget, and then manipulating the media to blame the GOP for it.

January 15, 2013 - The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services release a definitive study showing that the federal government’s 48-year experiment with Head Start has failed children and left taxpayers a tab of more than $180 billion. Our U.S. politician's response was to ignore the findings because to acknowledge them didn't help their political careers and then hide an earmark in the Hurricane Sandy bill to raise spending on Head Start another $100 million.

January 13, 2013 - The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy release latest statistics which show the middle-class paying the lion's share of taxes and low income earners and the wealthy paying less. The report concludes, "that all states have regressive tax systems that ask more from low- and middle-income families than from the wealthiest."

January 14, 2013 - Is the stock market a sham for the middle class?

December 31, 2012 - Recent Gallup poll results show an aggregated LGBT nationwide average of 3.5%. The estimated percentage of those that are homosexual rather than bisexual or transgendered is 1.7%:

Rain forests have been decimated by the modern liberal progressive media to push a homosexual agenda on 96.5% of the population that are hetrosexual. And the bar continues to fall. Yale hosts workshop teaching sensitivity to bestiality:

April 15, 2012 -  The Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (e.g. JOBS Act), intended to encourage funding of United States small businesses by easing various securities regulations passes with bipartisan support and is signed into law by President Barack Obama on April 5, 2012:

April 12, 2012 - President Obama endorses Dan Savage and his “It Gets Better” campaign as a core part of the official White House campaign against school bullying. Dan Savage uses his platform to single out and bully Christians solely (no other religions or worldviews) around the nation by misinterpreting and mischaracterizing Bible theology as a core tactic. Obama refuses to denounce what Dan is doing. This is Dan speaking at a Southern California high school:

April 11, 2012 - Federally funded and liberally biased Media Matters represents an ideological conflict of interest as Americans are forcibly taxed to fund this organization which was constructed as a blatant anti-Christian media weapon against Christians. According to its application for non-profit status, it was created in order to counter pro-Christian “bias in news reporting and analysis by the American media.” Media Matters should be publicly defunded immediately.

June 1, 2009 - A study by the Media Research Center reveals that twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall the liberal media deliberately ignores the mass democide, persecution, and oppression that occurred under state atheistic Marxism: