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Monday, June 1, 2009

Republican Party Reform

Caring patriotic conservatives often ask what steps everyday citizens can take to help reform the Republican Party. It is an important question. The short answer is be involved. Write, fax, or email GOP leadership as well as your GOP elected representatives and let them know your thoughts on the direction the GOP should take to reform itself away from a party controlled by self-serving elitists, trans-national corporations, and special interests back to authentic conservatism.

Never mind if you run up against their wall of denial. They have a long way to go to earn back the credibility they lost from everyday conservative American citizens in this country. Make no mistake, the same unrepentant leadership is still in charge continuing the Neoconservative march away from authentic conservatism at this time into all sorts of massive deficit spending (while lying and placing the blame for it on the shoulders of others), great expensive wars of foreign entanglement, economic negligence and elitist solutions not in the long-term interest of the country or the American worker, pro-illegal immigration "reform" solutions, etc... They truly are the best of two undesirable choices and that needs to change.

This mismanagement of the GOP has caused many Republicans to identify as Independents and some of them to leave the Republican party for small Independent parties fragmenting the conservative voting bloc. Unfortunately, the leadership of the GOP does not seem to even have noticed their departure. So it is up to you: the people.

Gain their attention and influence them to transform themselves from the inside out away from the failed Neoconservative and modern liberal policies they engaged in and admit their part for the problems we see in our economy and nation today. Make them move towards the type of authentic conservative transformation that holds the potential to rebuild this country and regain a properly encultured nation.

Do contact GOP leadership and your republican representatives and let them know you are not happy with the direction the party has been moving in and that they have not been listening when you said you wanted an end to illegal immigration/chain migration, an end to unfair free trade and the loss of our manufacturing, and an end to wars of empire that bleed the country's coffers dry just for starters. Go to GOP local party meetings and make your voice heard. Be insistent. Don't let them snowball you away from Republican party reform.

The second way to be involved is to run for office yourself and do not compromise your position. Too often an authentic reformist will end up towing the very party line they sought to overturn. There are dozens of offices you can run for in your area. Start off small and work your way up. Think about running for party office positions, civic office, school board, or town councils. Call party headquarters to ask what offices are up for election soon, and whether candidates are needed for any of these races.

Finally, hold Republicans-in-name-only accountable. Do not vote for RINOs who will not represent you and contact them to tell them why you are not voting for them. Stay informed. Educate yourself on the issues. Don't just be another too busy "voter" pulling a brand lever like a gambling addict at a Las Vegas slot machine hoping the next pull will be the jackpot. Real life doesn't work like that. It is up to each of us to be the intelligent, moral, involved authentic conservative person working toward taking back our country from the sold out elitists, free traders, multinational pro-illegal immigration supporters, modern liberal and Neoconservative ideologists that are transforming the greatest country in the world into an undesirable place to live with fewer and fewer economic opportunities.

It was interesting to watch nominal Republicans abandon the GOP, moderate Republicans cross over and vote for Obama, and life long Republicans for the first time ever declare themselves independents and vote for independent candidates (though some Republicans whom declared independent for the first time at the last minute did vote for McCain).