Certainly there are many reasons why Americans vote for the Democrat Party; however, the primary and number one objective reason why Americans vote Democrat is:
I. As of January 2012, the U.S. Census Bureau announced that an astounding 49 percent of all Americans live in a home that receives some form of government benefits.
II. Now we add in all government workers that depend on government for their income. Total employment by industry (including federal, state, and local government employment) can be found at:
As of October 2012, the federal government employs about 2,807,000 people. State governments employ about 5,242,000 people. Local governments employ about 14,344,000 people.
So we need to add another 22,393,000 Americans plus all of their dependents that rely on government.
III. Next let's look at how much money government is pumping into the private sector to get an idea of how beholden the private sector is to government money (both what they collect in taxes but also what they borrow because government spends more than it has to the tune of $1 trillion a year currently):
1. Alan Peters and Peter Fisher (Associate Professors, Graduate Program in Urban and Regional Planning, University of Iowa) estimate that state and local governments provide $40–50 billion annually for corporate welfare.
2. The Cato Institute studies show about $100 billion a year currently is allocated as corporate welfare by the federal government.
3. The U.S. bailouts of Bush and Obama total $11 trillion committed with $3 trillion already spent.
4. There are a material number of private sector businesses and self-employed individuals that profit off government contracts and many other ways besides the above.
Conclusion: It's apparent that the majority of the U.S. population is dependent on government for their money either completely or partially and they primarily vote for the Democratic party because the Democratic party promises to continue giving them government money despite much of what they receive originating from government borrowing and deficit spending rather than actual revenues.
Democratic voters are choosing the path Greece did and choosing it for exactly the same reason. Greece once had a healthy expanding private sector and economy but they greatly expanded government spending, expanded government employment, expanded government employee compensation, expanded welfare, expanded free trade, and raised taxes until their economy simply crashed.
All major credit rating agencies now give the U.S. a NEGATIVE outlook and have downgraded the U.S. credit rating. Further downgrades are expected as the national debt increases due to deficit spending. Eventually, if the U.S. doesn't change the path they are on, the national debt will become so large that the U.S. credit rating will decline dramatically resulting in an inability to continue borrowing to cover the massive deficit spending and the U.S. will resort to high taxation (driving an exodus of revenue generators offshore) and finally straight monetization. Hyper-inflation will occur and the world will drop the dollar as their currency of choice. Foreign creditors will press for repayment. This will have an extremely negative impact on the American people most have yet to comprehend.
And tragically, many modern liberals celebrate this as if it were a good thing arguing that it is inevitable that the U.S. decline and other nations reign supreme. The truth is that it never was inevitable that the U.S. decline to become a 2nd tier nation any more than it was inevitable that Holland and France would lose global dominance to Great Britain during the age of discovery. It is, rather, gross mismanagement and the choices our leaders are making which are resulting in our absolute decline. We certainly could make different choices to retain our lead.
This fantasy the modern liberals espouse that the entire world is coming together to hold hands and sing kumbaya in Marxist harmony is never going to occur. It certainly did not in the 20th century when much of the earth was unified in that worldview and it's not going to in the 21st century.
The countries which are supplanting us have very different political systems which are much more authoritarian and class-based. Individual liberty is going to diminish in the world and classfulness is going to become entrenched in a more world-wide system ruled by elitists that have no intention of sharing any more resources and power than they have to in order to maintain control.
Yet modern liberals celebrate the demise of their nation and what it stands for in the world because it's "fair" in their estimation. Their progeny will feel differently.
This growth we see in China and India isn't so much organic as it is a result of us giving and them taking what we have. We denude ourselves to build them up... them being our competitors.
It's tragic to see our failing public education system producing a belief-system template in our younger population that is deceived to the extent they actively work toward their own decline because for us to lose and them to win is "fair." What great ignorance of history, economics, politics, sociology, psychology, etc... They were taught to lose. They were taught that losing is better than winning.
Yet these same "progressives," champion increasing welfare. Welfare spending has hit a stunning, all-time high becoming the single largest government expense. A new report, prepared by the non-partisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) reveals that that the government’s means-tested 83 welfare programs jumped from $563 billion in 2008 to $1.03 trillion in 2011 and are rapidly accelerating at a rate that should give any sane American reason to pause.
The 83 federal programs examined by the non-partisan Congressional Research Service included only "means-tested" programs, meaning that their benefits are paid only to households or individuals with incomes at or below federal poverty levels.
They do NOT include programs to assist veterans, or entitlement programs, like Social Security and Medicare, to which people contribute through payroll deductions or monthly premiums.
They do NOT include the currently estimated $1 trillion through 2022 that government will need to spend on subsidies (e.g. government medical welfare spending) for ObamaCare.
They do NOT consider the enormous liability of simply adding up to 11 million poor illegal aliens to existing welfare programs if current immigration "reform" efforts are successful.
By comparison, the non-partisan Congressional Research Service noted that in 2011, the federal budget expenditure for Social Security was $725 billion, $480 billion for Medicare and $540 billion for non-war related defense programs.
Even without all the new immigration and amnesty designs, the current rate of welfare growth in the U.S. is categorized as unsustainable. That means the rate of deficit spending on welfare growth is so enormous that it will eventually devalue the dollar to the point of catastrophic consequence if it isn't reformed.
Lyndon Johnson's "Freedom from Want" welfare mentality has created a sprawling culture of welfare dependency that didn't exist before in America. It's a fact that if we cut all welfare spending tomorrow, the federal budget would almost be balanced. That's how much we are currently spending on 83 welfare programs.
The author isn't suggesting all welfare spending be ended but rather illustrating that austerity has a place in economic recovery along with trade reform, financial sector reform, reducing red tape on small businesses and start-ups, protecting American invention/innovation, correcting bureaucratic over criminalization on the American people which is creating risk aversion, etc... to increase and protect revenue. Both reducing spending and increasing revenue are desirable.
But the "progressive" wants to levy draconian taxes, which has begun, and greatly increase welfare spending while celebrating America's economic decline as "fair" for the world. That's not a recipe for economic recovery but rather an assurance of eventual U.S. economic collapse.
Some political scientists argue that's what they are after; however, a self-induced economic collapse as a key tactic in the cultural Marxist's "long march."
Sadly, the mainstream corporate media conglomerates have abandoned their role as the "fourth estate" to act as marketing organizations for either the socialist left or the neoconservative right with most aligning with the socialist left.
Both the GOP and the Democrat's economic platforms and political ideologies are flawed to such extent that a prosperous balanced sustainable recovery will never occur from either party in their present state.
There are many undesirable real life consequences to losing. Fixing America (2011) is a road-documentary daring to pick ordinary Americans' brains about America's financial crisis, the disconnect with the political elite, and ultimately collects their thoughts, their emotions and especially their solutions to fix America’s financial problems. Here's the trailer:
The Hoover Institution at Stanford University interviews Stanley Kurtz, a social anthropologist [PhD Harvard] and senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, the author of 'Radical-in-Chief' a book about Obama's classical Marxist past and the extent the socialist left played in the financial and housing collapse through their community bottom-up activities.
United In Hate: The Left's Romance with Tyranny and Terror Hardcover by Dr. Jamie Glazov
Part 1: http://youtu.be/vP8jNwvvLJo
Part 2: http://youtu.be/4dg51EiQry0
Discover the Networks:
"This website describes the networks and agendas of the political Left. The database is divided into 10 major sections."
Know The Common Propaganda Techniques Used By The Media:
I. As of January 2012, the U.S. Census Bureau announced that an astounding 49 percent of all Americans live in a home that receives some form of government benefits.
II. Now we add in all government workers that depend on government for their income. Total employment by industry (including federal, state, and local government employment) can be found at:
As of October 2012, the federal government employs about 2,807,000 people. State governments employ about 5,242,000 people. Local governments employ about 14,344,000 people.
So we need to add another 22,393,000 Americans plus all of their dependents that rely on government.
III. Next let's look at how much money government is pumping into the private sector to get an idea of how beholden the private sector is to government money (both what they collect in taxes but also what they borrow because government spends more than it has to the tune of $1 trillion a year currently):
1. Alan Peters and Peter Fisher (Associate Professors, Graduate Program in Urban and Regional Planning, University of Iowa) estimate that state and local governments provide $40–50 billion annually for corporate welfare.
2. The Cato Institute studies show about $100 billion a year currently is allocated as corporate welfare by the federal government.
3. The U.S. bailouts of Bush and Obama total $11 trillion committed with $3 trillion already spent.
4. There are a material number of private sector businesses and self-employed individuals that profit off government contracts and many other ways besides the above.
Conclusion: It's apparent that the majority of the U.S. population is dependent on government for their money either completely or partially and they primarily vote for the Democratic party because the Democratic party promises to continue giving them government money despite much of what they receive originating from government borrowing and deficit spending rather than actual revenues.
Democratic voters are choosing the path Greece did and choosing it for exactly the same reason. Greece once had a healthy expanding private sector and economy but they greatly expanded government spending, expanded government employment, expanded government employee compensation, expanded welfare, expanded free trade, and raised taxes until their economy simply crashed.
All major credit rating agencies now give the U.S. a NEGATIVE outlook and have downgraded the U.S. credit rating. Further downgrades are expected as the national debt increases due to deficit spending. Eventually, if the U.S. doesn't change the path they are on, the national debt will become so large that the U.S. credit rating will decline dramatically resulting in an inability to continue borrowing to cover the massive deficit spending and the U.S. will resort to high taxation (driving an exodus of revenue generators offshore) and finally straight monetization. Hyper-inflation will occur and the world will drop the dollar as their currency of choice. Foreign creditors will press for repayment. This will have an extremely negative impact on the American people most have yet to comprehend.
And tragically, many modern liberals celebrate this as if it were a good thing arguing that it is inevitable that the U.S. decline and other nations reign supreme. The truth is that it never was inevitable that the U.S. decline to become a 2nd tier nation any more than it was inevitable that Holland and France would lose global dominance to Great Britain during the age of discovery. It is, rather, gross mismanagement and the choices our leaders are making which are resulting in our absolute decline. We certainly could make different choices to retain our lead.
This fantasy the modern liberals espouse that the entire world is coming together to hold hands and sing kumbaya in Marxist harmony is never going to occur. It certainly did not in the 20th century when much of the earth was unified in that worldview and it's not going to in the 21st century.
The countries which are supplanting us have very different political systems which are much more authoritarian and class-based. Individual liberty is going to diminish in the world and classfulness is going to become entrenched in a more world-wide system ruled by elitists that have no intention of sharing any more resources and power than they have to in order to maintain control.
Yet modern liberals celebrate the demise of their nation and what it stands for in the world because it's "fair" in their estimation. Their progeny will feel differently.
This growth we see in China and India isn't so much organic as it is a result of us giving and them taking what we have. We denude ourselves to build them up... them being our competitors.
It's tragic to see our failing public education system producing a belief-system template in our younger population that is deceived to the extent they actively work toward their own decline because for us to lose and them to win is "fair." What great ignorance of history, economics, politics, sociology, psychology, etc... They were taught to lose. They were taught that losing is better than winning.
Yet these same "progressives," champion increasing welfare. Welfare spending has hit a stunning, all-time high becoming the single largest government expense. A new report, prepared by the non-partisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) reveals that that the government’s means-tested 83 welfare programs jumped from $563 billion in 2008 to $1.03 trillion in 2011 and are rapidly accelerating at a rate that should give any sane American reason to pause.
The 83 federal programs examined by the non-partisan Congressional Research Service included only "means-tested" programs, meaning that their benefits are paid only to households or individuals with incomes at or below federal poverty levels.
They do NOT include programs to assist veterans, or entitlement programs, like Social Security and Medicare, to which people contribute through payroll deductions or monthly premiums.
They do NOT include the currently estimated $1 trillion through 2022 that government will need to spend on subsidies (e.g. government medical welfare spending) for ObamaCare.
They do NOT consider the enormous liability of simply adding up to 11 million poor illegal aliens to existing welfare programs if current immigration "reform" efforts are successful.
By comparison, the non-partisan Congressional Research Service noted that in 2011, the federal budget expenditure for Social Security was $725 billion, $480 billion for Medicare and $540 billion for non-war related defense programs.
Even without all the new immigration and amnesty designs, the current rate of welfare growth in the U.S. is categorized as unsustainable. That means the rate of deficit spending on welfare growth is so enormous that it will eventually devalue the dollar to the point of catastrophic consequence if it isn't reformed.
Lyndon Johnson's "Freedom from Want" welfare mentality has created a sprawling culture of welfare dependency that didn't exist before in America. It's a fact that if we cut all welfare spending tomorrow, the federal budget would almost be balanced. That's how much we are currently spending on 83 welfare programs.
The author isn't suggesting all welfare spending be ended but rather illustrating that austerity has a place in economic recovery along with trade reform, financial sector reform, reducing red tape on small businesses and start-ups, protecting American invention/innovation, correcting bureaucratic over criminalization on the American people which is creating risk aversion, etc... to increase and protect revenue. Both reducing spending and increasing revenue are desirable.
But the "progressive" wants to levy draconian taxes, which has begun, and greatly increase welfare spending while celebrating America's economic decline as "fair" for the world. That's not a recipe for economic recovery but rather an assurance of eventual U.S. economic collapse.
Some political scientists argue that's what they are after; however, a self-induced economic collapse as a key tactic in the cultural Marxist's "long march."
Sadly, the mainstream corporate media conglomerates have abandoned their role as the "fourth estate" to act as marketing organizations for either the socialist left or the neoconservative right with most aligning with the socialist left.
Both the GOP and the Democrat's economic platforms and political ideologies are flawed to such extent that a prosperous balanced sustainable recovery will never occur from either party in their present state.
There are many undesirable real life consequences to losing. Fixing America (2011) is a road-documentary daring to pick ordinary Americans' brains about America's financial crisis, the disconnect with the political elite, and ultimately collects their thoughts, their emotions and especially their solutions to fix America’s financial problems. Here's the trailer:
The Hoover Institution at Stanford University interviews Stanley Kurtz, a social anthropologist [PhD Harvard] and senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, the author of 'Radical-in-Chief' a book about Obama's classical Marxist past and the extent the socialist left played in the financial and housing collapse through their community bottom-up activities.
United In Hate: The Left's Romance with Tyranny and Terror Hardcover by Dr. Jamie Glazov
Part 1: http://youtu.be/vP8jNwvvLJo
Part 2: http://youtu.be/4dg51EiQry0
Discover the Networks:
"This website describes the networks and agendas of the political Left. The database is divided into 10 major sections."
Know The Common Propaganda Techniques Used By The Media:
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