Obama unilaterally signed 23 new executive orders effectively firing the opening salvo of a new federal government war on guns that affects all U.S. citizens.
Here is the Ruger Firearms free online advocacy form that makes it easy to send a letter to your political representatives: http://www.ruger.com/micros/advocacy/takeAction.html
Democrat politicians appear to have learned little from the uber-expensive war on drugs but, at least, that was a relatively moral war in comparison. This war immorally attacks our Bill of Rights only affecting otherwise law abiding citizens.
For actual criminals (not to be confused with good people bad laws have criminalized) will always have access to firearms in a nation and populace the size of ours even if they have to make them. Fully automatic firearms can be made from hardware store items. A shotgun can be made with a construction stapler and pipe. Even minors have made zip guns from old door knobs.
And though prohibition doesn't work on a non-island large land mass with a population the size of the USA (even uber-totalitarian China where statistics are greatly masked to present the PRC in the best possible light, all private ownership of firearms are strictly prohibited, and to commit a crime with a gun usually results in a swift death sentence has a serious rising gun violence problem), if it did, criminals can simply resort to other weapons or make IEDs and bombs instead.
The World Health Organization (WHO) 2012 'Inter-country Comparison of Mortality for Selected Cause of Death' European Detailed Mortality Database (DMDB) statistics show that Norway has a gun ownership rate many times that of the United Kingdom: yet Norway has a much lower gun murder rate than the United Kingdom has.
Many nations with far higher gun ownership rates have lower gun murder rates than the United Kingdom which has about the strictest gun control laws in the world and the United States doesn't list in the top ten countries by firearm-related death rate.
According to the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), the state with the lowest gun murder rate in the United States is New Hampshire which has virtually no gun laws while states like Illinois have the highest gun murder rate and the toughest gun laws. See FBI Table 20 - '2011 Murder by State and Types of Weapons'
This new war on U.S. gun owners is going to cost American taxpayers plenty in a time of economic crisis. In addition to all of the expensive legal battles about to be waged, the annual cost of enforcement will be material.
Additionally, otherwise law abiding Americans are going to needlessly end up incarcerated in the now sprawling U.S. prison-industrial complex depriving the U.S. treasury of their tax revenue and forcing the remaining taxpayers to pay for their needless incarceration. The cost of this new federal government war on U.S. gun owners will be enormous both monetarily and socially if it successful.
And it will make law abiding citizens less safe. For the reality is that the law abiding citizenry will be ill-armed while criminal perpetrators of crime continue to be well armed.
A much better solution that would cost next to nothing and not violate the U.S. Constitution would be to scale back gun control for law abiding U.S. citizens, strengthen mental health care and improve the quality of data supporting NICs (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) checks, and allow adult U.S. citizens without a criminal record to apply for licensing to carry concealed after completing rigorous training and safety certification replete with on-going continuing education and their state's (not federal) oversight. We would begin to see the number of victims drop dramatically when these tragic situations present themselves.
The author attended gun shows for years in the 1980s and 1990s. Thousands of people walked around with semi-automatic firearms and ammo. Though the author does not drink alcohol, big 32 ounce cups of cold beer were sold at these events and not a single homicide ever occurred. Obviously, a gun show is the last place a perpetrator wants to start trouble... even a deranged or drunken one.
Over 110 million Americans passed through the Boy Scouts of America which offered gun safety and training classes using live ammunition. Millions of young people were mentored and trained in the proper use of firearms with their first firearm often coming from the government M1 carbine program. We were all safer for it.
Liberals who think that strict gun control in the U.S. will end these incidents (a couple of which have the signs of false flag events) are deceiving themselves and indirectly helping to create a situation where more innocents will suffer and have already suffered even as they very un-liberally attack the Bill of Rights and create an environment where people are afraid to disclose potential psychological issues to their doctors lest their 2nd amendment rights be nullified.
A case example of this is occurring in the City of San Bernardino, CA a city of over 213,000 residents. The greed of public employee unions combined with the weakness of elected politicians, who failed to negotiate fiscally conservative contracts for their constituents, has degraded the ability of San Bernardino government to police the city to the point where the city attorney has publicly told the law abiding residents to "lock their doors and load their guns" because violent crime has spiked 50% as illegally armed criminal street gangs roam the unpoliced neighborhoods.
President Obama and anti-gun right politicians are putting the lawful residents of San Bernardino, and many other cities across the nation at greater risk, by degrading their ability to defend themselves against criminals that don't abide the law in cities undergoing serious economic crisis. The primary reason gun free zones currently have the greatest gun violence is simply because law abiding citizens are unarmed in them and the criminals can operate almost at will.
Mexico has very strict gun control laws but Mexico's National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) and National Public Safety System Executive Secretariat (SESNSP) report that Mexico has an average of 16,867 murders a year right now with 50% of them due to illegally armed criminal groups and that they increased 37% from 2006 to 2012 and continue to rise. Organizations external to the Mexican government claim the actual number may be double that.
The 90 percent number bandied around by the press was derived from a flawed June 2009 U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report to Congress on U.S. efforts to combat arms trafficking to Mexico.
There has clearly been a long and well-documented history of arms smuggling from the U.S., Central and South American countries, China which is the 2nd largest manufacturer of firearms in the world, and other countries which include South Korea, Israeli, and Russia and the eastern bloc; however, it is important to recognize that while the U.S. is a significant source for certain classes of weapons and ammunition the U.S. is not the primary source for the military grade weapons used by Mexican cartels and illegally armed crime groups in Mexico which account for 50% of all gun murder in Mexico. In fact, the Mexican government itself is reporting that only 17 percent of guns found at Mexican crime scenes have been traced to the U.S..
Mexico's population is just over 112 million or around a third of ours and has many more gun murderers per year than the U.S.. The primary reason for this is that citizens are unable to stop it because of Mexico's very strict gun control laws. Law abiding citizens in Mexico are just powerless victims unable to provide the necessary counterweight to stop what's happening in that country.
Mexican criminal organizations have BIG plans for the U.S. in the coming years. They also have mucho experience in conducting operations amongst the poorly armed population in Mexico.
Of course we are all affected by the recent events for when one part of our country suffers, we all suffer. We are one nation. But sweeping federal gun control affecting law abiding citizens in a large nation like ours is going to create many new problems while not solving the ones intended.
It's going to be very expensive to enforce, needlessly turn many otherwise law abiding Americans into criminals (knowingly and unknowingly), divide us further, undermine our Constitutional rights, and not make us safer. But the uber-expensive new federal government war on U.S. gun owners and the Bill of Rights has begun by way of unilateral executive orders.
Read this 2007 study published in the liberal Harvard’s Journal of Public Law and Policy which shows that banning guns doesn't reduce the level of violence or the number of murders and suicides:
Here's the narrative of the study if you don't want to read it in it's entirety: http://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/blog/2013/08/30/harvard-gun-study-no-decrease-in-violence-with-ban/
Here are the FBI 2010 U.S. homicide statistics: http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2010/crime-in-the-u.s.-2010/tables/10shrtbl03.xls
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that there were 11,068 firearm homicides in the entire country in 2010 from a population of 308,745,538 people.
Though African-Americans comprise only 13.1% of the U.S. population, the number one demographic in the 11,068 murders were gang affiliated African-American males murdering other gang affiliated African-American males.
It doesn't make sense for the government to launch a costly unpopular unconstitutional needless war affecting more than three hundred million U.S. citizens because of a tiny criminal element in an otherwise law abiding relatively small demographic of a much larger law abiding population.
It doesn't make sense for the government to launch a costly unpopular and unconstitutional needless war putting more than three hundred million U.S. citizens at great risk because they are either completely disarmed when the rare deranged perpetrator or illegally armed criminal presents themselves.
It doesn't make sense for the government to launch a costly unpopular and unconstitutional needless war against U.S. citizens who need to protect themselves in bankrupt cities from criminals that will never follow gun laws.
Furthermore, the 2nd amendment has as much to do with a well armed citizenry as a check against government tyranny as it does self-defense.
Rather, the solution presented in this article should be implemented as it is inexpensive, workable, and Constitutional.
See: http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2012/12/11/gun-crime-soars-in-england-where-guns-are-banned-n1464528
See: http://crimepreventionresearchcenter.org/2013/12/murder-and-homicide-rates-before-and-after-gun-bans/
Obama to Top Brass: Will you fire on American Citizens?
The looming effect Obama's secret UN treaties will have on Americans including their 2nd amendment by Dick Morris, a former Clinton Administration White House adviser:
Click The Link Below To Sign The Petition To Stop The U.S. From Signing The UN Arms Trade Treaty:
Political Bullying:
California February 2013 Update: Despite already having some of the nation's strictest gun laws, Democrats in California have just proposed a sweeping list of bills to that include a ban on all semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines, require all guns to be registered, forbid any ammunition to be purchased without a special permit in California, require confiscation of all registered assault weapons, require liability insurance, etc...
According to the California Gun Attorney, California laws provide harsh penalties for mere possession of some firearms, accessories and ammunition. You can view the California Gun Attorney's list, as of February 2013, here and please read their disclaimers:
Since the California state assembly and state senate are controlled by the Democrats, many of these laws are expected to pass and Democrat Governor Jerry Brown to sign them into law.
This will criminalize millions of current law abiding gun owners if they decide their 2nd amendment rights have been violated by the state of California and simply refuse to comply with the new laws.
Actual criminal perpetrators of crime do not follow gun laws so this legislation will only affect the good citizens of the state.
The new laws will be challenged in the courts all the way to the Supreme Court, if necessary.
In the meantime, it is expected that a great many good citizens of California will likely be imprisoned for long periods of time for, knowingly or unknowingly, failing to comply with Democrat draconian gun control legislation which is already about the strictest in the nation.
Citizens that become aware of the new legislation and comply will see their ability to defend themselves and their families against criminals dramatically reduced.
It should be noted that gun deaths and injuries have sharply dropped in California even as the number of guns sold in the state has risen according to recent state data.
California prisons are past the point of saturation. The state is pushing tens of thousands of prisoners into the jail systems toward early release. They are currently reviewing 1,000 three-strike life sentences to see how many they can release back into society. The primary reason for this is budgetary.... they simply cannot afford to incarcerate so many people.
With gun crime down, despite gun ownership up, and serious budgetary problems to such an extent the state of California can no longer afford to house large numbers of new prisoners at growth rates they have in the past, one wonders why the Democrat controlled state government is so insistent on criminalizing potentially millions of its state's good citizen taxpayers (the vast majority whom have never been in any trouble with the law) on faulty new unconstitutional gun control laws when they already have some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation and obviously can't afford to expand their sprawling system of incarceration.
The Democrat controlled legislature and Governor are attempting to heap gun control requirements upon the good citizens of California to disarm as many as they can and make paper criminals out of good citizens whom are not in full compliance with the enormous unnecessary bureaucracy the Democratic legislature and Governor are imposing on them.
Here is the massive list of gun control legislation currently before the state legislature, please support and oppose as follows:
California State Legislation:
Support AB 134 CCW PRIVACY
Oppose AB 187 AMMO SALES TAX (duplicate)
Federal Legislation:
Keep An Eye On This Legislation:
Find and contact your state representatives using this form:
We're counting on you, the law abiding citizen, to protect your own 2nd amendment right!
Here is the Ruger Firearms free online advocacy form that makes it easy to send a letter to your political representatives: http://www.ruger.com/micros/advocacy/takeAction.html
Democrat politicians appear to have learned little from the uber-expensive war on drugs but, at least, that was a relatively moral war in comparison. This war immorally attacks our Bill of Rights only affecting otherwise law abiding citizens.
For actual criminals (not to be confused with good people bad laws have criminalized) will always have access to firearms in a nation and populace the size of ours even if they have to make them. Fully automatic firearms can be made from hardware store items. A shotgun can be made with a construction stapler and pipe. Even minors have made zip guns from old door knobs.
And though prohibition doesn't work on a non-island large land mass with a population the size of the USA (even uber-totalitarian China where statistics are greatly masked to present the PRC in the best possible light, all private ownership of firearms are strictly prohibited, and to commit a crime with a gun usually results in a swift death sentence has a serious rising gun violence problem), if it did, criminals can simply resort to other weapons or make IEDs and bombs instead.
The World Health Organization (WHO) 2012 'Inter-country Comparison of Mortality for Selected Cause of Death' European Detailed Mortality Database (DMDB) statistics show that Norway has a gun ownership rate many times that of the United Kingdom: yet Norway has a much lower gun murder rate than the United Kingdom has.
Many nations with far higher gun ownership rates have lower gun murder rates than the United Kingdom which has about the strictest gun control laws in the world and the United States doesn't list in the top ten countries by firearm-related death rate.
According to the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), the state with the lowest gun murder rate in the United States is New Hampshire which has virtually no gun laws while states like Illinois have the highest gun murder rate and the toughest gun laws. See FBI Table 20 - '2011 Murder by State and Types of Weapons'
This new war on U.S. gun owners is going to cost American taxpayers plenty in a time of economic crisis. In addition to all of the expensive legal battles about to be waged, the annual cost of enforcement will be material.
Additionally, otherwise law abiding Americans are going to needlessly end up incarcerated in the now sprawling U.S. prison-industrial complex depriving the U.S. treasury of their tax revenue and forcing the remaining taxpayers to pay for their needless incarceration. The cost of this new federal government war on U.S. gun owners will be enormous both monetarily and socially if it successful.
And it will make law abiding citizens less safe. For the reality is that the law abiding citizenry will be ill-armed while criminal perpetrators of crime continue to be well armed.
A much better solution that would cost next to nothing and not violate the U.S. Constitution would be to scale back gun control for law abiding U.S. citizens, strengthen mental health care and improve the quality of data supporting NICs (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) checks, and allow adult U.S. citizens without a criminal record to apply for licensing to carry concealed after completing rigorous training and safety certification replete with on-going continuing education and their state's (not federal) oversight. We would begin to see the number of victims drop dramatically when these tragic situations present themselves.
The author attended gun shows for years in the 1980s and 1990s. Thousands of people walked around with semi-automatic firearms and ammo. Though the author does not drink alcohol, big 32 ounce cups of cold beer were sold at these events and not a single homicide ever occurred. Obviously, a gun show is the last place a perpetrator wants to start trouble... even a deranged or drunken one.
Over 110 million Americans passed through the Boy Scouts of America which offered gun safety and training classes using live ammunition. Millions of young people were mentored and trained in the proper use of firearms with their first firearm often coming from the government M1 carbine program. We were all safer for it.
Liberals who think that strict gun control in the U.S. will end these incidents (a couple of which have the signs of false flag events) are deceiving themselves and indirectly helping to create a situation where more innocents will suffer and have already suffered even as they very un-liberally attack the Bill of Rights and create an environment where people are afraid to disclose potential psychological issues to their doctors lest their 2nd amendment rights be nullified.
A case example of this is occurring in the City of San Bernardino, CA a city of over 213,000 residents. The greed of public employee unions combined with the weakness of elected politicians, who failed to negotiate fiscally conservative contracts for their constituents, has degraded the ability of San Bernardino government to police the city to the point where the city attorney has publicly told the law abiding residents to "lock their doors and load their guns" because violent crime has spiked 50% as illegally armed criminal street gangs roam the unpoliced neighborhoods.
President Obama and anti-gun right politicians are putting the lawful residents of San Bernardino, and many other cities across the nation at greater risk, by degrading their ability to defend themselves against criminals that don't abide the law in cities undergoing serious economic crisis. The primary reason gun free zones currently have the greatest gun violence is simply because law abiding citizens are unarmed in them and the criminals can operate almost at will.
Mexico has very strict gun control laws but Mexico's National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) and National Public Safety System Executive Secretariat (SESNSP) report that Mexico has an average of 16,867 murders a year right now with 50% of them due to illegally armed criminal groups and that they increased 37% from 2006 to 2012 and continue to rise. Organizations external to the Mexican government claim the actual number may be double that.
The 90 percent number bandied around by the press was derived from a flawed June 2009 U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report to Congress on U.S. efforts to combat arms trafficking to Mexico.
There has clearly been a long and well-documented history of arms smuggling from the U.S., Central and South American countries, China which is the 2nd largest manufacturer of firearms in the world, and other countries which include South Korea, Israeli, and Russia and the eastern bloc; however, it is important to recognize that while the U.S. is a significant source for certain classes of weapons and ammunition the U.S. is not the primary source for the military grade weapons used by Mexican cartels and illegally armed crime groups in Mexico which account for 50% of all gun murder in Mexico. In fact, the Mexican government itself is reporting that only 17 percent of guns found at Mexican crime scenes have been traced to the U.S..
Mexico's population is just over 112 million or around a third of ours and has many more gun murderers per year than the U.S.. The primary reason for this is that citizens are unable to stop it because of Mexico's very strict gun control laws. Law abiding citizens in Mexico are just powerless victims unable to provide the necessary counterweight to stop what's happening in that country.
Mexican criminal organizations have BIG plans for the U.S. in the coming years. They also have mucho experience in conducting operations amongst the poorly armed population in Mexico.
Of course we are all affected by the recent events for when one part of our country suffers, we all suffer. We are one nation. But sweeping federal gun control affecting law abiding citizens in a large nation like ours is going to create many new problems while not solving the ones intended.
It's going to be very expensive to enforce, needlessly turn many otherwise law abiding Americans into criminals (knowingly and unknowingly), divide us further, undermine our Constitutional rights, and not make us safer. But the uber-expensive new federal government war on U.S. gun owners and the Bill of Rights has begun by way of unilateral executive orders.
Read this 2007 study published in the liberal Harvard’s Journal of Public Law and Policy which shows that banning guns doesn't reduce the level of violence or the number of murders and suicides:
Here's the narrative of the study if you don't want to read it in it's entirety: http://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/blog/2013/08/30/harvard-gun-study-no-decrease-in-violence-with-ban/
Here are the FBI 2010 U.S. homicide statistics: http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2010/crime-in-the-u.s.-2010/tables/10shrtbl03.xls
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that there were 11,068 firearm homicides in the entire country in 2010 from a population of 308,745,538 people.
Though African-Americans comprise only 13.1% of the U.S. population, the number one demographic in the 11,068 murders were gang affiliated African-American males murdering other gang affiliated African-American males.
It doesn't make sense for the government to launch a costly unpopular unconstitutional needless war affecting more than three hundred million U.S. citizens because of a tiny criminal element in an otherwise law abiding relatively small demographic of a much larger law abiding population.
It doesn't make sense for the government to launch a costly unpopular and unconstitutional needless war putting more than three hundred million U.S. citizens at great risk because they are either completely disarmed when the rare deranged perpetrator or illegally armed criminal presents themselves.
It doesn't make sense for the government to launch a costly unpopular and unconstitutional needless war against U.S. citizens who need to protect themselves in bankrupt cities from criminals that will never follow gun laws.
Furthermore, the 2nd amendment has as much to do with a well armed citizenry as a check against government tyranny as it does self-defense.
Rather, the solution presented in this article should be implemented as it is inexpensive, workable, and Constitutional.
See: http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2012/12/11/gun-crime-soars-in-england-where-guns-are-banned-n1464528
See: http://crimepreventionresearchcenter.org/2013/12/murder-and-homicide-rates-before-and-after-gun-bans/
Obama to Top Brass: Will you fire on American Citizens?
The looming effect Obama's secret UN treaties will have on Americans including their 2nd amendment by Dick Morris, a former Clinton Administration White House adviser:
Click The Link Below To Sign The Petition To Stop The U.S. From Signing The UN Arms Trade Treaty:
Political Bullying:
California February 2013 Update: Despite already having some of the nation's strictest gun laws, Democrats in California have just proposed a sweeping list of bills to that include a ban on all semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines, require all guns to be registered, forbid any ammunition to be purchased without a special permit in California, require confiscation of all registered assault weapons, require liability insurance, etc...
According to the California Gun Attorney, California laws provide harsh penalties for mere possession of some firearms, accessories and ammunition. You can view the California Gun Attorney's list, as of February 2013, here and please read their disclaimers:
Since the California state assembly and state senate are controlled by the Democrats, many of these laws are expected to pass and Democrat Governor Jerry Brown to sign them into law.
This will criminalize millions of current law abiding gun owners if they decide their 2nd amendment rights have been violated by the state of California and simply refuse to comply with the new laws.
Actual criminal perpetrators of crime do not follow gun laws so this legislation will only affect the good citizens of the state.
The new laws will be challenged in the courts all the way to the Supreme Court, if necessary.
In the meantime, it is expected that a great many good citizens of California will likely be imprisoned for long periods of time for, knowingly or unknowingly, failing to comply with Democrat draconian gun control legislation which is already about the strictest in the nation.
Citizens that become aware of the new legislation and comply will see their ability to defend themselves and their families against criminals dramatically reduced.
It should be noted that gun deaths and injuries have sharply dropped in California even as the number of guns sold in the state has risen according to recent state data.
California prisons are past the point of saturation. The state is pushing tens of thousands of prisoners into the jail systems toward early release. They are currently reviewing 1,000 three-strike life sentences to see how many they can release back into society. The primary reason for this is budgetary.... they simply cannot afford to incarcerate so many people.
With gun crime down, despite gun ownership up, and serious budgetary problems to such an extent the state of California can no longer afford to house large numbers of new prisoners at growth rates they have in the past, one wonders why the Democrat controlled state government is so insistent on criminalizing potentially millions of its state's good citizen taxpayers (the vast majority whom have never been in any trouble with the law) on faulty new unconstitutional gun control laws when they already have some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation and obviously can't afford to expand their sprawling system of incarceration.
The Democrat controlled legislature and Governor are attempting to heap gun control requirements upon the good citizens of California to disarm as many as they can and make paper criminals out of good citizens whom are not in full compliance with the enormous unnecessary bureaucracy the Democratic legislature and Governor are imposing on them.
Here is the massive list of gun control legislation currently before the state legislature, please support and oppose as follows:
California State Legislation:
Support AB 134 CCW PRIVACY
Oppose AB 187 AMMO SALES TAX (duplicate)
Federal Legislation:
Keep An Eye On This Legislation:
Find and contact your state representatives using this form:
We're counting on you, the law abiding citizen, to protect your own 2nd amendment right!
January 2014 Sidenote: On a side note, the Journal of Crime & Delinquency just published research results from a study stating that "Almost half of black males and almost 40 percent of white males are arrested in the United States by the time they are 23 years old" for something other than a minor traffic violation.
We live in a nation that warehouses large numbers of Americans in prison industrial complexes and farms out their labor to corporations to make the state money. Many of them are not there for real crime but rather stumbled over some bureaucratic boundary that used to be legal or a relatively minor legal matter just a few decades ago. The over criminalization of everyday Americans not committing crimes of violence or property has resulted in massive waves of arrests across the country.
Here's an example of a semi-retired moral family all-American gardener who sold a harmless orchid and went to federal prison for it while paying most of his retirement money out in legal defense fees:
For decades, Washington has been adding to the number of federal laws and regulations that carry criminal penalties. Now the number is so high, no one is actually sure how many there are.
Experts say practically anyone could be convicted of some sort of federal crime. And it’s all too easy for anyone to violate one of these laws and never know it. One congressman stated in the CBN article above that, “We have made it dangerous just to be alive in America.”
Adding complexity, state and localities have followed suit placing their own paper criminal burden on everyday Americans.
And the left has been so busy painting everyone as morally blighted that doesn't endorse the sexually immoral behaviors they choose to engage in that they have both abandoned building moral nuclear families in the U.S. and attacked pro-family organizations which are!
The result has been the erosion and rapid decline of morality and the family which, of course, has greatly exacerbated the problem of gangs, drugs, sexual immorality, youth rebellion, etc... and driven up the incarceration of young people. These are the subjects of the study and if this study is accurate: their rate of arrest is astronomical!
According to the FBI, in 2011 there were 3991.1 arrests for every 100,000 people living in America. That means over the course of a single year, one in 25 Americans was arrested.
Congress began an 'Over-criminalization Task Force Hearing' on the problem but nothing seemed to ever come from it so the wave of arrests of moral everyday Americans over issues they shouldn't be arrested for (not to be confused with arresting actual criminals that threaten others and the national interest that should be arrested) continues unhindered and unabated.
We live in a nation that warehouses large numbers of Americans in prison industrial complexes and farms out their labor to corporations to make the state money. Many of them are not there for real crime but rather stumbled over some bureaucratic boundary that used to be legal or a relatively minor legal matter just a few decades ago. The over criminalization of everyday Americans not committing crimes of violence or property has resulted in massive waves of arrests across the country.
Here's an example of a semi-retired moral family all-American gardener who sold a harmless orchid and went to federal prison for it while paying most of his retirement money out in legal defense fees:
For decades, Washington has been adding to the number of federal laws and regulations that carry criminal penalties. Now the number is so high, no one is actually sure how many there are.
Experts say practically anyone could be convicted of some sort of federal crime. And it’s all too easy for anyone to violate one of these laws and never know it. One congressman stated in the CBN article above that, “We have made it dangerous just to be alive in America.”
Adding complexity, state and localities have followed suit placing their own paper criminal burden on everyday Americans.
And the left has been so busy painting everyone as morally blighted that doesn't endorse the sexually immoral behaviors they choose to engage in that they have both abandoned building moral nuclear families in the U.S. and attacked pro-family organizations which are!
The result has been the erosion and rapid decline of morality and the family which, of course, has greatly exacerbated the problem of gangs, drugs, sexual immorality, youth rebellion, etc... and driven up the incarceration of young people. These are the subjects of the study and if this study is accurate: their rate of arrest is astronomical!
According to the FBI, in 2011 there were 3991.1 arrests for every 100,000 people living in America. That means over the course of a single year, one in 25 Americans was arrested.
Congress began an 'Over-criminalization Task Force Hearing' on the problem but nothing seemed to ever come from it so the wave of arrests of moral everyday Americans over issues they shouldn't be arrested for (not to be confused with arresting actual criminals that threaten others and the national interest that should be arrested) continues unhindered and unabated.
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